Ken Poole’s Lunchtime History Talk will feature Jane Loomis, who, from 1949 to 1972, was the go-to painter in the Naples-to-Canandaigua Corridor.
Her paintings hang in the Ontario County Courthouse, they are in the collections of the Naples Library, the Naples Historical Society, the Middlesex Heritage Society and private collections all over Ontario County.
A magna cum laude graduate of Syracuse University, Jane Loomis had a complex life and, upon her death in 2000, many had forgotten about this outstanding painter. It’s my goal to give her the attention she and her work deserves.
About our presenter:
Kenton Poole BS, MA is on the board of directors of the Naples Historical Society, has written two books that they have published and is a frequent contributor of articles to their Facebook and website. Last summer he and David Bloom rehabilitated the West Hollow Cemetery on Clement Rd in Naples. This summer they will be doing the same in the Fairview Pioneer Cemetery behind Bob and Ruth’s Restaurant in Naples. Signed copies of his book on Jane Loomis will be available for $20.