Based on a remarkable 1964 aerial picture found at the Canandaigua Daily Messenger, “1964” showed the city’s incredible transformation to the present with a tragic and unbelievable 50 plus buildings missing since that picture was taken. Visitors saw that now famous picture showing all the missing buildings side by side with a 2017 drone replication.
It wouldn’t be “1964” without those cultural features of the time. You could sit down in the early 60’s mini-kitchen and read 1964 Life, Look and Post magazines at the table. Or watch 7 different 1964 videos including a Wilmer and the Dukes /Arrowhead Lanes tribute, 1964 car and toy commercials, 1964 Johnson/Goldwater Political ads, Cigarette commercials that will astound your kids and grandkids, the #1 hit tunes of 64 and more.